Friday, December 21, 2012

Staff and Companions End of Year Retreat

We were privileged to have Fr. Tony Alex to lead our end of year retreat which was attended by fifteen staff & Companions.

The central theme of Fr. Alex’s message was “Journey from the Inn of Bethlehem to the Cafe (manger) of Bethlehem”, based on Luke 2:6&7

Fr. Alex explained that the ‘Inn’ is a symbol of Pride, Greed, Lust, Competition, etc. and the Cafe, a symbol of Simplicity, Compassion and Humility.
Advent is a pilgrimage from the ‘Inn’ to the ‘Cafe’ and it is only when we travel from the ‘Inn’ in our lives to the ‘Cafe’ can we experience the third coming of Christ, also referred to as the intermediary coming of Christ which happens at every moment in our lives. This will lead to joy in our lives.

He challenged us to prepare ourselves to meet Jesus in every moment in our lives, with Advent anticipation that God has something new for us every day.

He concluded his presentation with his personal testimony which encouraged us to dedicate our lives to God to experience his guidance and joy even when we face uncertainties.

The retreat ended with Mass which was presided over by Fr. Alex, assisted by Fr. Dominic of Konongo-Mampong Diocese, a priest friend of ICPE Mission who traveled from Mampong, about two hours to be with us.

“I am more than blessed” was the comments of one Companion who traveled from Sunyani in the Brong Ahafo Region, about one and half hours away to attend the retreat.

Thank you Fr. Alex! 

To God be the Glory for the great things he has done!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all

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